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作者:海洋大学HG体育   更新时间:2015-07









[1] Chuangye Yang #, Ruijuan Hao #, Xiaodong Du*, Qingheng Wang, Yuewen Deng*, Ruijiao Sun, Zhe Zheng. GC–TOF/MS -based metabolomics studies on the effect of protein sources in formulated diet for pearl oyster Pinctada fucata martensii. Aquaculture, 2018, 486:139-147

[2] Qingheng Wang, Junhui Li, Feilong Liang*, Shaohe Xie, Xiaodong Du, Yuewen Deng*. Effects of different substrates on settlement and growth of pearl oyster (Pinctada maxima) larvae in hatcheries. Aquacultural Engineering, 2017, 77: 15-19.

[3] Qignheng Wang#, Chuangye Yang#, Xiaodong Du, Xingwang Liu, Runjiao Sun, Yuewen Deng*. Growth performance and biochemical composition of juvenile pearl oyster Pinctada martensii fed on artificial diets. Aquaculture International, 2016, 24(4):995-1005.

[4] Fang Yan, Shaojie Luo, Yu Jiao *, Yuewen Deng*, Xiaodong Du, Ronglian Huang, Qignheng Wang, Weiyao Chen. Molecular characterization of the BMP7 gene and its potential role in shell formation in Pinctada martensii. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2014, 15:21215-21228

[5] Fang Yan, Yu Jiao*, Yuewen Deng*, Xiaodong Du, Ronglian Huang, Qignheng Wang, Weiyao Chen. Tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase gene from pearl oyster Pinctada martensii participates in nacre formation. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 2014, 450: 300-305.

[6] Yuewen Deng, Qiannan Lei, Qunli Tian, Shaohe Xie, Xiaodong Du *, Junhui Li, Liqun Wang, Yuanxin Xiong. De novo assembly, gene annotation, and simple sequence repeat marker development using Illumina paired-end transcriptome sequences in the pearl oyster Pinctada maxima. Bioscience, Biotechnology and Biochemistry, 2014, 78(10):1685-1692.

[7] Yuewen Deng, Shao Fu, Feilong Liang, Xiaodong Du, Shaohe Xie *. Growth and survival of pearl oyster Pinctada maxima spat reared under different environmental conditions. Journal of Shellfish Research, 2013, 32(3):675-679.

[8] Yuewen Deng, Shao Fu, Feilong Liang, Shaohe Xie*. Effects of stocking density, diet, and water exchange on growth and survival of pearl oyster Pinctada maxima larvae. Aquaculture International, 2013, 21:1185-1194.


[1]农业部,国家贝类产业体系海水育珠贝养殖与育珠岗位经费,CARS-492017/01- 2020/12280万元,在研,主持

[2]HG体育扬帆计划高层次人才专项,2017/01- 2020/1230万元,在研,主持



[1]邓岳文, 符韶, 梁飞龙, 谢绍河, 杜晓东, 王庆恒, 王成桂. 一种提高大珠母贝苗种成活率的中间培育方法,2015.09.02,中国,ZL201310501542.2

[2]邓岳文, 符韶, 梁飞龙, 谢绍河, 杜晓东, 王庆恒, 王成桂. 一种提高大珠母贝亲本配子排放率的方法,2015.05.13,中国,ZL201310501653.3

[3]邓岳文, 杜晓东, 符韶, 梁飞龙, 王庆恒. 一种养殖马氏珠母贝分期式群体选育的方法,2013.0605,中国,ZL200910197634.2