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作者:海洋大学HG体育   更新时间:2015-07

  鲁义善,博士,教授,博士生导师/硕士生导师。HG体育“千百十”工程省级培养对象,深圳市地方级领军人才,全国首席科学传播专家,国际食品法典(CAC)抗菌素耐药专家委员会委员,全国水产品质量安全专家工作组成员,农业部水产养殖病害防治专家委员会委员,全国兽药残留与耐药性控制专家委员,挪威特罗姆瑟大学渔业科学学院访问学者。现为HG体育水生动物健康评估工程技术HG体育研究中心主任,HG体育教育厅 “广东海洋大学-英国斯特灵大学渔用疫苗实用化技术”国际合作平台负责人,深圳市海水经济动物种苗健康评价公共技术服务平台主任。近年来主持国家自然科学基金2项、省部级项目7项;参与973计划、国家科技支撑项目等省部级以上项目16项;发表学术论文264篇,其中SCI收录113篇;授权专利38项。HG体育研究领域主要涉及水生动物病原生物学、鱼类免疫学等。


1994.09 - 1998.07,烟台师范学院,生物系,学士

1998.09 - 2001.06,中国科学院水生生物HG体育研究所,水生生物学,硕士

2001.07 - 2003.06,中国科学院水生生物HG体育研究所,水生生物学,博士

2003.07 - 2005.11,广东海洋大学(含原湛江海洋大学),HG体育养殖系,讲师

2005.12 - 2011.11,广东海洋大学,HG体育养殖系,副教授

2010.09 - 2011.09,挪威Tromso大学,渔业科学学院,访问学者

2011.12 至今,广东海洋大学,HG体育水生动物医学系,教授


1. 免疫增强剂促进石斑鱼免疫分子和免疫力亲子传递之基础HG体育研究(U1401211),国家自然科学基金NSFC-HG体育联合基金重点项目,2015-201865万,主持

2. 弧菌毒力基因网络调控机制及弧菌病分子流行特征分析(2014GKXM046),HG体育教育厅基础HG体育研究重大培育项目,2015-201750万,主持

3. 海水鱼弧菌病新型疫苗HG体育研究与应用(2013gjhz0008),HG体育教育厅国际合作创新平台项目,2014-201650万,主持

4. 溶藻弧菌诱导红笛鲷分泌型/膜型免疫球蛋白基因的表达及定位(41240041),国家自然科学基金学部主任基金项目,2013/01-2013/1220万元,主持

5. 红笛鲷仔鱼抗菌免疫基因的克隆及表达时序HG体育研究(40906073)国家自然科学基金青年基金,2010/01-2012/1220万元,主持

6. “海水鱼弧菌病原库的标准化技术”(2008A060201012),HG体育科技计划项目,2009-201110万元,主持

7. “海水鱼类弧菌病病原库的构建”(2005B60301014),HG体育科技计划项目,2006-201012万元,主持

8. “海水养殖鱼类弧菌疫苗研制与产业化”(编号:2007A090302118),HG体育科技计划,2007-2010年,30万元,主要成员。

9. “主要海水养殖鱼类弧菌病流行病学HG体育研究”(编号:2006A20301003),HG体育科技计划,2007-2009年,25万元,主要成员。

10. “新型安全渔药研制”(2007BAD29B05),国家科技支撑计划,2007-2010170万元,主要成员。


1. Wang, W.J., Hou, S.Y., Chen, G.Q., Xia, L.Q., Chen, J.L.,Wang, Z.W., Lu, Y.S.(通讯), (2020). Characterization and function study of a Glutamyl endopeptidase homolog from Nocardia seriolae. Journal of Fish Diseases. http://doi.org/10.1111/jfd.13311

2. Hou, S. , Wang, W. , Chen, G. , Xia, L. , Wang, Z. , & Lu, Y. (通讯), (2021). Identification of a secreted superoxide dismutase (SOD) from nocardia seriolae which induces apoptosis in fathead minnow (FHM) cells. Journal of Fish Diseases. 44(1): 63-72.

3. Wang, Z.W., Xie, C.X., Li, Y., Cai, J., Tang, J.F., Jian, J.C., Kwok, K.W.H., Lu, Y.S. (通讯), 2020. Molecular characterization and expression of CD48 in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) in response to different stimulus. Fish Shellfish Immun 97, 515-522.

4. Xia, H., Fan, H., Long, M., Cheng, J., Chen, W., Yu, D., ... & Lu, Y (通讯), (2020). CD40 induces an antimicrobial response against the intracellular pathogen Streptococcus agalactiae in Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus. Journal of Fish Diseases, 00, 1-8.

5. Kuebutornye, F. K., Tang, J., Cai, J., Yu, H., Wang, Z., Abarike, E. D., Lu, Y. (通讯), & Afriyie, G. (2020). In vivo assessment of the probiotic potentials of three host-associated Bacillus species on growth performance, health status and disease resistance of Oreochromis niloticus against Streptococcus agalactiae. Aquaculture, 735440.

6. Hlordzi, V., Kuebutornye, F. K., Afriyie, G., Abarike, E. D., Lu, Y. (通讯), Chi, S., & Anokyewaa, M. A. (2020). The use of Bacillus species in maintenance of water quality in aquaculture: A review. Aquaculture Reports, 18, 100503.

7. Gan, Z., Cheng, J., Chen, S., Hou, J., Li, N., Xia, H., Lu, Y. (通讯), & Nie, P. (2020). Identification and characterization of tilapia CRFB1, CRFB2 and CRFB5 reveals preferential receptor usage of three IFN subtypes in perciform fishes. Fish & Shellfish Immunology, 107, 194-201.

8. Gan, Z., Cheng, J., Xia, L., Kwok, K. W., Lu, Y. (通讯), & Nie, P. (2020). Unique duplication of IFNh genes in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) reveals lineage-specific evolution of IFNh in perciform fishes. Fish & Shellfish Immunology, 107, 36-42.

9. Gan, Z., Cheng, J., Chen, S., Laghari, Z. A., Hou, J., Xia, L., Lu, Y. (通讯), & Nie, P. (2020). Functional characterization of a group II interferon, IFNc in the perciform fish, Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). Fish & Shellfish Immunology, 105, 86-94.

10. Gan, Z., Cheng, J., Hou, J., Xia, H., Chen, W., Xia, L., ... & Lu, Y (通讯). (2020). Molecular and functional characterization of tilapia DDX41 in IFN regulation. Fish & Shellfish Immunology, 99, 386-391.

11. Li, Y., Wang, B., Wang, Z. W., Huang, Y., Jian, J. C., & Lu, Y. S (通讯). (2020). Molecular cloning, characterization and expression profiles of CD2AP in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) responding to Streptococcus agalactiae infection and interaction with CD2 cytoplasmic segment. Fish & Shellfish Immunology, 101, 205-215.

12. Kuebutornye, F.K.A., Abarike, E.D., Lu, Y.S. (通讯), Hlordzi, V., Sakyi, M.E., Afriyie, G., Wang, Z.W., Li, Y., Xie, C.X., (2020). Mechanisms and the role of probiotic Bacillus in mitigating fish pathogens in aquaculture. Fish Physiol Biochem.

13. Kuebutornye, F.K.A., Abarike, E.D., Sakyi, M.E., Lu, Y.S. (通讯), Wang, Z.W., (2020). Modulation of nutrient utilization, growth, and immunity of Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus: the role of probiotics. Aquacult Int 28, 277-291.

14. Kuebutornye, F.K.A., Wang, Z.W., Lu, Y.S. (通讯), Abarike, E.D., Sakyi, M.E., Li, Y., Xie, C.X., Hlordzi, V., (2020). Effects of three host-associated Bacillus species on mucosal immunity and gut health of Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus and its resistance against Aeromonas hydrophila infection. Fish Shellfish Immun 97, 83-95.

15. Jianlin Chen, Bei Li, Biyan Huang, Guangjia Yang, Fangling Mo, Tingting Weng, Guoquan Chen, Liqun Xia*, Yishan Lu (通讯), (2020).Immunogenicity and efficacy of two DNA vaccines encoding antigenic PspA and TerD against Nocardia seriolae in hybrid snakehead[J]. Fish & Shellfish Immunology, 106:742-754.

16. Chen, J.L., Chen, Z.W., Wang, W.J., Hou, S.Y., Cai, J., Xia, L.Q., Lu, Y.S. (通讯), (2020).Development of DNA vaccines encoding ribosomal proteins (RplL and RpsA) against Nocardia seriolae infection in fish. Fish Shellfish Immun 96, 201-212.

17. Liqun Xia, Jianlin Chen, Honglian Zhang, Jia Cai, Sheng Zhou and Yishan Lu (通讯), (2020). Identification of virion-associated transcriptional transactivator (VATT) of SGIV ICP46 promoter and their binding site on promoter[J]. Virology Journal, 2019, 16(1):110.

18. Kuebutornye, F.K.A., Lu, Y., Abarike, E.D., Wang, Z., Li, Y. (通讯), Sakyi, M.E., (2019). In vitro Assessment of the Probiotic Characteristics of Three Bacillus Species from the Gut of Nile Tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus. Probiotics Antimicrob Proteins.

19. Kuebutornye, F.K.A., Abarike, E.D., Lu, Y., (2019). A review on the application of Bacillus as probiotics in aquaculture. Fish Shellfish Immunol 87, 820-828.

20. Chen, J.L., Wang, W.J., Hou, S.Y., Fu, W.X., Cai, J., Xia, L.Q., Lu, Y.S. (通讯), (2019).  Comparison of protective efficacy between two DNA vaccines encoding DnaK and GroEL against fish nocardiosis. Fish Shellfish Immun 95, 128-139.

21. Chen, J.L., Xia, L.Q., Wang, W.J., Wang, Z.W., Hou, S.Y., Xie, C.X., Cai, J., Lu, Y.S. (通讯), (2019). Identification of a mitochondrial-targeting secretory protein from Nocardia seriolae which induces apoptosis in fathead minnow cells. Journal of Fish Diseases 42, 1493-1507.

22. Chen, J.L., Tan, W.C., Wang, W.J., Hou, S.Y., Chen, G.Q., Xia, L.Q., Lu, Y.S. (通讯), (2019). Identification of common antigens of three pathogenic Nocardia species and development of DNA vaccine against fish nocardiosis. Fish Shellfish Immun 95, 357-367.

23. Wang, W.J., Chen, J.L., Liao, B.S., Xia, L.Q., Hou, S.Y., Wang, Z.W., Lu, Y.S. (通讯), (2019). Identification and functional characterization of Histone-like DNA-binding protein in Nocardia seriolae (NsHLP) involved in cell apoptosis. Journal of Fish Diseases 42, 657-666.

24. Xia, H.L., Li, Y., Wang, Z.W., Chen, W.J., Cheng, J., Yu, D.P., Lu, Y.S (通讯), (2019). Expression and functional analysis of tumor necrosis factor receptor (TNFR)-associated factor 5 from Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus. Fish Shellfish Immun 93, 781-788.

25. Xia, L.Q., Chen, J.L., Zhang, H.L., Cai, J., Zhou, S., Lu, Y.S.* (通讯), 2019. Identification of virion-associated transcriptional transactivator (VATT) of SGIV ICP46 promoter and their binding site on promoter. Virology Journal 16.


1. 鲁义善(2/20),HG体育农业技术推广奖二等奖,“智能水产养殖远程精准管控关键技术推广与应用”,HG体育农业技术推广奖评审委员会,2019-12-10


1. 鲁义善,夏立群,简纪常,蔡佳. 发明专利:一种用于表征鲳鲹巨噬细胞吞噬微生物的系统,专利号ZL201611030017.7,授权日期2019219日;

2. 夏立群,鲁义善,蔡佳,简纪常. 发明专利:一种用于表征鲳鲹巨噬细胞吞噬微生物的方法,专利ZL201611021661.8,授权日期2018112日;

3. 夏立群,陈建林,鲁义善,简纪常,蔡佳,张红莲. 发明专利:鰤鱼诺卡氏菌诱变弱毒株及其应用,专利号ZL201410440154.2,授权日期2017426日;

4. 鲁义善,夏立群,陈建林,王文基,李贝. 发明专利:鱼类诺卡氏菌病共同抗原DNA疫苗及其制备和应用,专利申请号CN201910418664.2,申请日期2019520日;

5. 夏洪丽,鲁义善,夏立群,樊慧敏,程俊,喻大鹏,龙梦,陈文捷. 发明专利:CD40蛋白在制备提高罗非鱼抗链球菌免疫力的制品中的应用的制作方法,专利申请号CN202010433674.6,申请日期2020521日;

6. 夏洪丽,鲁义善,程俊,夏立群,喻大鹏,陈文捷,龙梦,樊慧敏. 发明专利:多重PCR检测人鱼共患病病原菌的方法,专利申请号CN201911074865.1,申请日期2019116日;

7. 夏立群,鲁义善,汪志文,陈建林. 发明专利:一种线粒体定位导肽及其发现方法与应用,专利申请号CN201811330295.3,申请日期2018119日;

8. 鲁义善,夏立群,夏洪丽,程俊,喻大鹏,郭文浚,李国洲. 实用新型:一种鱼病治疗用的药粉生产混合装置,专利号ZL201721693188.8,授权日期2018717

9. 鲁义善,夏立群,夏洪丽,程俊,喻大鹏,郭文浚,李国洲. 实用新型:一种鱼病防控用投药装置,专利号ZL201721693164.2,授权日期2018626

10. 鲁义善,夏立群,夏洪丽,程俊,喻大鹏,郭文浚,李国洲. 实用新型:一种鱼病治疗用养殖池撒药装置,专利号ZL201721686221.4,授权日期2018626

HG体育 邮箱:fishdis@163.comluys@gdou.HG体育.cn,电话:0759-2396258