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作者:海洋大学HG体育   更新时间:2016-09





2022.01 -至今 广东海洋大学 HG体育养殖系 副教授

2016.07-2021.12,广东海洋大学 HG体育养殖系 教师






1. 不同盐度下双酚A暴露对弓背青鳉的复合毒性效应,国家自然科学基金(25万)

2. BPA世代暴露对弓背青鳉毒性效应机制的HG体育研究,HG体育特色青年项目(4万元)

3. 转基因弓背青鳉的研制,广东海洋大学博士启动基金(10万元)

4. 弓背青鳉环境内分泌干扰物检测转基因系开发,广东海洋大学水产优青(10万元)


1. Dong, Z., X. Li, Y. Chen, N. Zhang, Z. Wang, Y.-Q. Liang and Y. Guo (2023). "Short-term exposure to norethisterone affected swimming behavior and antioxidant enzyme activity of medaka larvae, and led to masculinization in the adult population." Chemosphere 310: 136844-136844.

2. Dong, Z., Y. Chen, X. Li, N. Zhang, Y. Guo, Y.-Q. Liang and Z. Wang (2022). "Norethindrone alters growth, sex differentiation and gene expression in marine medaka (Oryzias melastigma)." Environmental Toxicology 37(5): 1211-1221.

3. Dong, Z., Y. Chen, H. Li, Z. Huan, X. Li, N. Zhang, Y. Guo, C. Shao and Z. Wang (2022). "Liver comparative transcriptome analysis reveals the mechanism of the Hainan medaka, Oryzias curvinotus, to adapt to salinity." Journal of the World Aquaculture Society.

4. Li, X., Y. Liu, Y. Chen, X. Song, X. Chen, N. Zhang, H. Li, Y. Guo, Z. Wang and Z. Dong (2022). "Long-term exposure to bisphenol A and its analogues alters the behavior of marine medaka (Oryzias melastigma) and causes hepatic injury." Science of the Total Environment 841.

5. Chen, Y., X. Chen, X. Li, Y. Liu, Y. Guo, Z. Wang and Z. Dong (2022). "Effects of bisphenol AF on growth, behavior, histology and gene expression in marine medaka (Oryzias melastigma)." Chemosphere 308(Pt 3): 136424-136424.

6. Dong, Z., X. Li, Z. Yao, C. Wang, Y. Guo, Q. Wang, C. Shao and Z. Wang (2021). "Oryzias curvinotus in Sanya Does Not Contain the Male Sex-Determining Gene dmy." Animals 11(5).

7. Dong-Neng Jiang, Z.-Y. K., Kong-Song Yang, Yuan-Qing Huang, Umar Farouk Mustapha, Xiang-Zhao Guo, De-Feng Zheng, Zhong-Dian Dong, Hong-Juan Shi (2021). "Polymorphism in a sex-linked DNA marker located on LG23 in Hainan strain of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)." Journal of the World Aquaculture Society: 1-19.

8. Li, X., X. Lin, Y. Chen, Z. Wang, Y. Guo, G. Afriyie, N. Zhang and Z. Dong (2021). "Norethisterone exposure alters the transcriptome of Marine Medaka (Oryzias melastigma) larvae." Chemistry and Ecology 37(9-10): 767-779.

9. Liang, Y.-Q., C.-G. Pan, L. Xie, J. Huo, J. Yang, T. Lan, Z. Dong and M. Duan (2021). "Histological and transcriptional effects of androstenedione in adult zebrafish (Danio rerio)." Environmental Toxicology 36(4): 598-606.

10. Dong, Z., X. Li, S. Huang, N. Zhang, Y. Guo and Z. Wang (2020). "Vitellogenins and choriogenins are biomarkers for monitoring Oryzias curvinotus juveniles exposed to 17 beta - estradiol." Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology C-Toxicology & Pharmacology 236.

11. Liang, Y.-Q., Z. Jing, C.-G. Pan, Z. Lin, Z. Zhen, L. Hou and Z. Dong (2020). "The progestin norethindrone alters growth, reproductive histology and gene expression in zebrafish (Danio rerio)." Chemosphere 242.

12. Afriyie, G., Z. Wang, Z. Dong, C. Ayisi Larbi, B. AsiHG体育 and Y. Guo (2020). "Complete mitochondrial genome and assembled DNA barcoding analysis of Lutjanus fulgens (Valenciennes, 1830) and its comparison with other Lutjanus species." Ecology and Evolution 10(15): 7971-7980.

13. Dong, Z., N. Zhang, Y. Liu, W. Xu, Z. Cui, C. Shao and S. Chen (2019). "Expression analysis and characterization of zglp1 in the Chinese tongue sole (Cynoglossus semilaevis)." Gene 683: 72-79.

14. Dong, Z., P. Chen, N. Zhang, S. Huang, H. Zhang, S. Wang, X. Li, Y. Guo and Z. J. G. R. Wang (2019). "Evaluation of reference genes for quantitative real-time PCR analysis of gene expression in Hainan medaka ( Oryzias curvinotus )." 14: 94-99.

15. Wang, Q., Q. Liu, W. Ma, R. Wang, S. Li, Z. Dong and C. Shao (2022). "A Potential Role of the Translation Elongation Factor eef1a1 in Gonadal High-Temperature Perception in Chinese Tongue Sole (Cynoglossus semilaevis)." Animals 12(13).

16. Zhang, N., Z. Dong, W. Xu, Z. Cui, Q. Wang and S. Chen (2020). "Molecular characterization and expression pattern of inhibin alpha and beta b in Chinese tongue sole (Cynoglossus semilaevis)." Gene Expression Patterns 38.

17. Zhang, N., H. Zhang, Z. Dong and W. Wang (2022). "Molecular Identification of Nocardia seriolae and Comparative Analysis of Spleen Transcriptomes of Hybrid Snakehead (Channa maculata Female x Channa argus Male) With Nocardiosis Disease." Frontiers in Immunology 13.

18. Zhao, N., H.-B. Guo, L. Jia, Z. Dong and B. Zhang (2022). "The genome assembly of flathead grey mullet Mugil cephalus." Frontiers in Marine Science 9.

19. Zhao, N., L. Jia, L. Chen, J. Lin, Z. Dong and B. Zhang (2022). "Integrative sperm DNA methylation and miRomics analysis highlights interaction of two epigenetic patterns of pseudomale inheritance in teleost." Frontiers in Marine Science 9.

20. Zhao, N., Q. Wang, Q. Deng, Z. Dong and B. Zhang (2023). "Heterogeneity of sex-biased miRNAs profiling of Cynoglossus semilaevis between exosome and sperm." Aquaculture 563.

21. 董忠典, 宦章, 黎学友, 陈月碧, 张宁, 郭昱嵩, 王中铎, 梁燕秋. 广东海洋大学学报 (2022). "炔诺酮短期暴露对海洋青鳉仔鱼的毒性效应."  42(6): 9.

22. 董忠典, 黎学友, 黄承勤, 张海瑞, 黄顺楷, 张宁, 郭昱嵩, 王中铎 (2021). "湖栖鳍虾虎鱼性腺转录组比较分析 水产学报."  45(03): 365-380.

23. 董忠典, 黎学友, 廖健, 张宁, 郭昱嵩, 王中铎 (2020). "雌、雄弓背青鳉(Oryzias curvinotus)肝脏转录组比较分析 海洋与湖沼."  51(05): 1203-1213.

24. 董忠典, 张宁, 崔忠凯, 徐文腾, 陈松林 (2019). "半滑舌鳎gata5基因的克隆及表达分析 广东海洋大学学报."  39(03): 6-14.

25. 黄皓, 林晓雨, 张宁, 董忠典 (2021). "重金属铜、铅、锌对尾草履虫的联合毒性 %J 基因组学与应用生物学."  40(Z3): 3073-3078.

26. 黄顺楷, 郭昱嵩, 汪淳, 张海瑞, 王淑如, 董忠典 (2019). "弓背青鳉3种雌激素受体基因的克隆及其表达分析 广东海洋大学学报."  39(02): 8-19.

27. 黄泽胤, 陈月碧, 黎学友, 张宁, 郭昱嵩, 王中铎, 董忠典 (2022). "盐度胁迫对弓背青鳉水通道蛋白基因转录的影响生物技术."  32(04): 415-420.

28. 黎学友, 谢明花, 黄承勤, 汪淳, 王中铎, 郭昱嵩, 董忠典 (2021). "湖栖鳍虾虎鱼皮肤和眼睛转录组比较 水产学报."  45(08): 1317-1326.

29. 梁燕秋, 董忠典, 黄国勇, 田斐, 李进, 应光国 (2019). "黄体酮对成年斑马鱼下丘脑-垂体-性腺轴相关基因转录表达的干扰效应 生态科学."  38(02): 1-8.

30. 梁燕秋, 司徒艳结, 董忠典, 许文强, 梁杏仪, 景占鑫 (2020). "炔诺酮对斑马鱼肠道免疫调节因子的干扰效应 广东海洋大学学报."  40(03): 1-6.

31. 廖嘉仪, 黎学友, 王淑茹, 陈普顺, 宋欣霖, 谢明花, 王中铎, 郭昱嵩, 张宁, 董忠典 (2021). "弓背青鳉zglp1基因的克隆和表达分析 基因组学与应用生物学."  40(04): 1481-1487.


1. 一种快速鉴定弓背青鳉遗传性别的引物及其应用,专利申请号CN201710806836.4(第一完成人)

2. 一种半滑舌鳎性染色体连锁的DNA片段及其应用,专利号ZL 2015 1 0856323.5(第二完成人)
